My love of flowers was passed on to me from my mum and granny. Our home always had an arrangement or a bunch of fresh flowers from the garden. Sadly my wee mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at young age, just as I was starting my garden. Being in the garden helps me feel closer to them both.
My garden started from a building site and over the past years I have worked in it a little at a time. Every year I am learning new things. Most of it I am learning by experience and watch different gardening channels on YouTube.
I am a born again christian and this is very important to me. Jesus transformed my life on the 15th January 2002. I had taken an overdose and really didn't think life was worth living but that night I cried out to Jesus for forgiveness. He has never failed me and each day He teaching and is changing me. In 2013 I married Samuel and we set up our home near the foot of the Mourne Mountains. It was a building site with rubble and great mounds of soil. I wanted a nice garden but never had much interest in plants before so we began by getting some grass and planted out part of it with potatoes. As time went on my love of gardening increased. I always felt closer to mum as I worked in it.
Fast forward 6 years and I love gardening and want to share the most important things in my life. Jesus, my family and gardening.